11 June 2012

Timeless 2.0

Timeless ii. Understanding time.

Lost in the abyss of this world, with only the foreign device at my side...

During my studies I became involved with a genre of reads centered around psychology, language and sociology. Not only had it influenced a change in the perceptions in every day life, but the expression of my personal work  changed entirely. 

Book: 'Stuff Of Thought' - Language as a window into human nature by psychologist Steven Pinker became a great influence on my individual social changes. Steven Pinker describes how the social construct of language, provides a paradigm to almost be trapped within in daily life. How, time is illustrated only through observational changes and movements. A Stopwatch, for example is a device created by man to record movement by second, though the concept of time may only exist within our own thoughts. 

Steven pinker describes how it is this Time Paradigm, which leads us to believe that we can travel back in time. However, In reality the past and the future may only exist as memories.

My work on timeless 2.0/ii was a piece derived from these social constructs and paradigms in society. The viewer plays as the 'Time traveler' in one's mind, a dream. In a land of confusion limited by language and imagination. 

The drawing was painted and drawn in black ink when I was sixteen years of age. Excuse the poor hand anatomy, it makes me smile everyday when I see it on my wall.

The Independent's book review on 'Stuff of thought' - Steven Pinker

Genesis - Land of confusion
(Video not for the faint hearted either aha)


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